Wednesday, March 18, 2009

‘The ultimate boardroom battle is back…’

Yes, Sir Alan is back with the fifth series of the UK version of The Apprentice. This is one of the very few respectable programs I watch, and I do watch this religiously. The new set of candidates are an interesting bunch, with one of them (Ben Clarke) proclaiming that ‘making money is better than sex.’ He’s probably not doing it right (not that I would know). He’ll be one of the first four out, you wait. Or he’ll be the snake that gets away with everything. Another candidate (Kate Walsh) says: "My CV speaks for itself. I've always excelled academically and I have really achieved within a corporate environment across sales, marketing and a number of different aspects of business." She could have just said ‘BLAH’ and it would have had the same effect.

One of the candidates even looks like Debra Messing (of Will & Grace fame). I actually think it is Debra Messing. She ain’t had a decent acting role since that show ended. Here she is masquerading as ‘Paula Jones’:

Try and tell me she doesn’t look like her.

UPDATE: Watch this, hilarious...

The Apprentice (UK) starts on March 25th on BBC One at 9pm.

Images taken from here. Thank you.

1 comment:

Whathehelle Fontenelle said...

Can't wait man, Apprentice is the bollocks!